Extension Announces June Gardening Seminar: “What’s Eating my Lawn?”

By Meaghan Goepferich Posted on June 8, 2021

Extension Announces June Gardening Seminar: “What’s Eating my Lawn?”

Many of us want a healthy (if not beautiful) lawn. It can be difficult to know what is causing problems with our Florida grasses, which are loved by fungus and bugs. Many insects can be found in turf grass – many are destructive, although some can be helpful. One way to achieve a beautiful lawn is discover the difference among bugs, keep the good, and control the rest.

The topic of June’s Library Master Gardener Seminar is “What’s Eating my Lawn?” This virtual session will help you to determine what is causing turf problems, identify some of the insects commonly found in grass, and know what to do about the more destructive varieties. Pre-registration is required at least 4 hours before the seminar starts at 1:00pm on Monday, June 28, 2021. To register, visit www.UFLawnBugs.eventbrite.com.           



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