Top 10 Reasons It’s Good to be a Dog

By Bruce Gagliolo Posted on March 3, 2018

  1. If it itches – you can scratch it – even in public
  2. No one notices or cares if you have hair growing in some weird places as you get older
  3. Personal Hygiene ain’t too bad – its not like you have to bathe everyday & somebody else combs your hair
  4. Having a wet nose is a sign of good health
  5. You don’t need fancy entertainment systems – you got a bone
  6. You can spend hours smelling stuff
  7. You can spend all day sleeping, if ya want!
  8. It doesn’t take much to make you happy. You’re excited just see the same old people day after day. Heck all they have to do is leave the room for 5 minutes and come back in – and you’re happy
  9. You never have to pay for lunch or dinner – OR worry about your table manners AND ……………………
  10. If you gain weight – it’s someone else’s fault!

March Pet Days:

March 3, 2018: If Pets Had Thumbs Day
March 4-10, 2018: Professional Pet Sitters Week
March 13, 2018: K-9 Veterans Day
March 17, 2018: Saint Gertrude of Nivelles Day— patron saint of cats
March 18-24, 2018: National Poison Prevention Week
March 23, 2018: National Puppy Day
March 28, 2018: Respect Your Cat Day




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