Veterans Treatment Court seeks volunteer male mentors

By Florida's Original NatureCoaster™ Posted on February 26, 2017

Being a Veterans Treatment Court Mentor doesn’t take a lot of time… and it may change the life of a fellow vet. The unique piece about Veterans Treatment Court is the presence of volunteer veteran mentors for the participants.  Male veterans are matched with male mentors and female veterans are matched with female mentors.  The mentors act as sponsors to help support the veteran and guide them to a successful outcome.

The Veterans Treatment Court model requires regular court appearances (a bi-weekly minimum in the early phases of the program), as well as mandatory attendance at treatment sessions and frequent and random testing for substance use (drug and/or alcohol).  Veterans respond favorably to this structured environment given their past experiences in the Armed Forces.  However, a few will struggle and it is exactly those veterans who need a Veterans Treatment Court program the most.  Without this structure, these veterans will reoffend and remain in the criminal justice system.  The Veterans Treatment Court is able to ensure they meet their obligations to themselves, the court, and their community.

Veterans wishing to act as a Veterans Treatment Court Mentor may contact Kelly Kell, Supervisor of the Court Alternatives Program at:  352-341-7035 or



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